New commercial and residential construction, renovations, remodeling, and infrastructure maintenance all have one thing in common: the need for highly skilled construction personnel to handle the work. Professionals in the construction sector, including SMB owners and independent contractors, rely on timely information and good organizational abilities to get the job done. They subscribe to Scranton Gillette’s suite of construction industry publications to stay current, and Reach Marketing makes their essential data available in the Scranton Gillette Contracting and Construction Masterfile. With more than 515,000 postal addresses, 486,000 phone numbers, and 442,000 email addresses, this database gives you access to some of the construction sector’s most influential people.
For more than a century, Scranton Gillette has kept people who build informed. The subscriber lists included in this database include the following periodicals:
– Roads & Bridges
– Construction Equipment Magazine
– Professional Builder
– Professional Remodeler
– Residential Lighting Magazine
– Building Design & Construction
Together, this collection of periodicals has kept engineers, plant managers, on-site supervisors, and C-level executives in the construction industry informed through insightful feature articles, thought-provoking opinion pieces and useful knowledge about methods and materials.
The subscribers who comprise the Scranton Gillette Contracting and Construction Masterfile hold positions of influence within their organizations. As decision-makers with direct input on buying choices, they’re receptive to offers related to construction materials and equipment, productivity tools, and office management solutions. They tend to think in practical terms and respond well to offers that present them with spec sheets and features lists, not just benefits. As experts in their respective fields, they feel qualified to assess an offer’s benefits based on the facts.
Personal safety is a paramount concern for contractors and construction professionals, and they know their team of experienced workers is their most important asset. Show them new techniques for ensuring greater worker safety, help them achieve OSHA compliance and exceed safety regulations, or demonstrate how your product makes a difference in the workplace, and you earn their attention. Offers related to supplying personal safety equipment to workers hold their interest too.
Construction is a lucrative field for subscribers in the Scranton Gillette Contracting and Construction Masterfile, and these influential people are willing to spend on the right luxury offers. With clear list segmentation and information that’s updated regularly, Reach Marketing helps you discover which offers motivate database members to greater engagement. The database also allows you to select audience segments by business type, job function, past purchases, and demographic information so you choose the audience that’s a good fit for you. Business and leisure travel, outdoor living, and electronics capture the interest of many on this Contracting and Construction Masterfile.
With over half a million addresses and consistent thought leadership for more than 100 years, Scranton Gillette’s family of construction and contracting periodicals is an asset to any B2B organization in the construction sector.
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