SourceMedia Mortgage Executives Database

The mortgage market is a specialized field of banking and lending, and the professionals who work within it need knowledgeable sources of information. More than 107,000 of these specialists, including corporate mortgage managers, C-level executives, financial advisors, CPAs, and bankers, get that information from the industry journal subscriptions and event sign-ups that comprise the SourceMedia Mortgage Executives Database. More than 70 percent of the database is composed of senior management, making it a collection of the mortgage industry’s best and brightest. This subscriber-based list makes names, addresses, and email addresses for some of the country’s leading mortgage professionals available in highly selectable form.

SourceMedia’s collection of industry publications puts a wealth of knowledge in the hands of its subscribers. With business titles such as National Mortgage News, American Banker Magazine, Credit Union Journal, On Wall Street, Accounting Today, Tax Pro Today, and Financial Planning Magazine, readers stay up to date on a constantly shifting and highly competitive industry. Three titles in particular set the standard for mortgage industry insights:

  • Origination News – Aimed at mortgage brokerage executives, Origination News focuses on the latest industry headlines, in-depth reporting, and insightful long-form articles for these professionals.
  • National Mortgage News – Mortgage banking professionals subscribe to National Mortgage News for analysis and commentary in addition to headline industry news.
  • Mortgage Servicing News – Aimed at decision-makers and influential executives within the mortgage servicing sector, the Mortgage Servicing News focuses on legislative and economic changes that impact the industry.

No matter what role they fill within the mortgage and lending sector, the professionals on the SourceMedia Mortgage Executives Database seek new knowledge about their industry. They subscribe to multiple industry journals, attend conferences, and take additional coursework to stay on top of industry news. Get their attention with offers that relate to education, efficiency, and productivity, and you have a highly engaged audience. Software tools and calculators that help them do their work more efficiently also pique their interest.

As anyone who has ever bought a home or business knows, mortgages involve a great deal of paperwork. Those at the top of the industry therefore want to streamline their work processes as much as possible, and efficiency is paramount to them. Software and hardware that promise greater efficiency earn their interest, as do productivity tools and apps. C-level executives and business owners in the mortgage industry also look for ways to make their personnel more productive; tools and events related to improvements here are welcome.

Mortgages are a multi-billion-dollar business, and the people who work in the industry tend to be affluent. Members of the SourceMedia Mortgage Executives Database are largely executives and administrators; they typically have significant discretionary income. They’re highly mobile too and look for offers related to frequent travel, including airline rewards packages and accommodations for business or leisure. High-ticket items are within reach for them, so offers of luxury goods and services are relevant to them. Many subscribers within this audience are also active in philanthropic and charitable giving.

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