Reach Key Decision-Makers Within Plastics Industry Firms

Plastics are integral to almost every industry from food services to healthcare to aeronautics to electronics. The business owners, executives, production supervisors, R&D leaders, engineers, and QA/QC personnel who are leaders in the plastics industry work in a competitive and ever-changing field. They trust Crain Communications’ Plastics News newspaper to gain and maintain their competitive edge. With the Plastics News Subscriber Business Mailing List managed by Reach Marketing, you connect directly with these influential professionals via more than 61,000 email addresses, nearly 37,000 phone numbers, and 39,000 postal addresses.

Published each week, Plastics News covers the global plastics sector from multiple perspectives with a primary focus on North American corporations. Insightful feature articles, interviews with other industry leaders, and extensive product reviews give plastics professionals an edge over their competition. This business email list includes data on the plastics industry’s thought leaders. Find the professional market that aligns with your brand using selectable segments such as industry, company size, job title, annual company revenue, and location.

The professionals who are part of the Plastics News Newspaper Subscriber Business Mailing List are at ease with technology in the workplace and at home. They pay attention to software, computing, and mobile technology tools that keep them up to date. To stay connected, they also welcome offers related to mobile plans and data plans.

Education is important to professionals in the plastics sector, including training their staff. Workplace safety, material science, and software certification courses are of particular interest to them. Magazine, newspaper, and trade journal subscriptions also help them stay on top of their industry. Seminar, conference, and tradeshow invitations help them network with other professionals.

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