In virtually every industry, technology has become integral to its function. From data security to state-of-the-art network solutions for B2B and B2C companies, IT executives play key roles in risk management and business growth. The ReachBase CIO/CTO Masterfile contains vital information about tech professionals from a wide spectrum of industries. It connects you with some of the most influential decision-makers in technology-driven fields today, including CIOs, IT directors, CTOs, IT security managers, data engineers, system architects, and other leaders in technology-based positions.
As part of ReachBase, the largest database in the industry with more than 72 million names and addresses, the ReachBase CIO/CTO Masterfile reaches more than 490,000 carefully selected tech professionals and C-level executives. With more than 296,000 phone numbers and 210,000 emails, you reach these decision-makers where they’re most accessible – through technology. Like all ReachBase files, this Masterfile is highly segmented, allowing you to select your audience by industry, SIC code, job title, business size, location, sales volume, and more. Data about the professionals on this list come from subscriber-based lists, seminar and webinar attendees, trade show participant and attendee rosters, and newsletter subscriptions across a wide range of industries.
For CIOs and CTOs, change is a constant. They’re always on the lookout for the latest tech news and rely on up-to-the-minute sources to keep them informed. This hunger for information makes them a promising audience for industry journal and newsletter subscription offers, including subscriptions to online information sources. To keep pace with industry changes, they also attend conferences and trade shows; they’re interested in invitations to these events and to travel and accommodation offers associated with them.
C-level executives and other professionals in tech sectors typically have personnel to train. Certification courses, distance learning, and on-campus degree programs that give their staff the expertise they need resonate with them. They also look for ways to improve their team’s efficiency; productivity software, tools, and office equipment that streamline their personnel’s work processes or improve their capabilities get their attention.
Technology careers typically come with ample compensation, and the professionals who make up the ReachBase CIO/CTO Masterfile tend to have significant discretionary income. To manage their wealth, they’re interested in offers of personal and professional financial advice, CPA services, and financial management software. They also welcome offers of high-end products and experiences, especially upmarket consumer electronics such as the latest smartphone models or home theater equipment.
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