As one of the largest and most rapidly growing sectors, healthcare is a prime source of sales for numerous other industries. Connecting with healthcare professionals takes a bit more effort than with some industries, but the potential rewards for you and your clients are great.
Know the Terminology
From maintaining records to supplying examination rooms to teaching the next generation of healthcare professionals, every aspect of the industry requires its own specialized knowledge and vocabulary. To earn business from healthcare decision-makers, your correspondence must be factually correct and specific. Your industry knowledge should come through clearly in your offers.
Segment Your Market
Marketing to large hospitals and healthcare networks is quite different from connecting with independent offices and private practices. Medical specialties also influence how healthcare professionals make buying decisions. Ideally, your market should be segmented by specialty and work environment so you can approach each group of professionals with customized copy.
Be Concise
Whether they work directly with patient care or in a central administration office, healthcare personnel make numerous challenging decisions throughout the day. When they look for solutions to a current issue, they want clear, straightforward choices that present benefits and features with a minimum of hyperbole. You’re working with a well-educated audience, too, so don’t expend effort telling them things they already know; instead, focus on how your offer will save time, simplify or reduce risks.
Make Offers Outside the Office
Health and medical care can be stressful to professionals, and they may not be as receptive to contact within the office. Reaching them outside of work via data appending is often a good way to connect with your audience when they’re more receptive. Offers that pertain to relaxation, convenience and luxury also appeal to busy professionals who have significant income yet little time to spend on themselves.
Find Your Audience
A private practitioner might have just one or two offices with a single administrator, but large networks employ thousands of healthcare workers at every level of the organization. It’s imperative to reach the right audience and ensure that your message gets delivered to the decision-makers who will act on it. Data hygiene is key when working with lists of healthcare professionals. Databases that go through rigorous hygiene and achieve high deliver rates, including Haymarket Media lists, HCPro and ReachBase Healthcare/Medical Professionals, get your message where it needs to go.
For more healthcare lists, please visit: Reach Healthcare Professionals.
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