Reach Marketing was a proud sponsor of the All About Email Live Conference on Wednesday. Partner Greg Grdodian participated in some lively discussion while he moderated 4 roundtables focusing on BtoB Lead Generation. Most marketers wanted to know how to generate more leads and as cost effectively as possible. It was unanimous that the most effective lead generator remains email marketing. It’s the fastest, most traceable, and cost effective method.
The importance on getting email marketing right was front of mind. There were two main strategies that Greg proposed to achieve success.
1. Utilize PURLs*. Greg emphazied this strategy as being extremely critical to lead generation success. Surprisingly most marketers are not utilizing this technique, but acknowledged the missed opportunity during the discussion. Conversions typically increase 200% when PURLs are implemented.
2. Optimize your emails for mobile. Greg explained that when establishing your creative this must be a primary focus of your creative team and the utilization of pre-headers in your email campaigns is a great start to achieving that goal.
Do you agree that email marketing is a cost effective way to generate leads?
Greg Grdodian, Chris Longo and John Lignos with Peggy Hatch, Target Marketing Group President
*Persistent Uniform Resource Locator
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