8 Things You Should Know About Renting an Email List

Renting an email 3rd party list of publication and newsletter subscribers, association members, catalog buyers or seminar attendees will generate new customers for your organization. Here are 8 things you should know when working with a 3rd party list manager.

1. You do not receive the email list. The list owner will send out your message to its list on your behalf. Even though you are not deploying the emails yourself, you can still customize the “from line.”

2. All responsible list owners require you to send your offer or creative ahead of time to make sure that your offer is appropriate for its list.

3. Rental of an email list is for one time use only. If you want to reuse the list, you should negotiate a reuse price for additional messages prior to placing your order to secure the best possible pricing.

4. The list owner will include unsubscribe information with instructions of how to opt-out of its list at the bottom of your creative. You should also include your own opt-out in your creative.

5. Quality b2b lists pricing ranges between $.25 per record ($250/M) and $.40 per record ($350/M) with an additional fee for transmission. Selections such as job title, company size, geo, or business industry may also available for an additional fee ranging from $5/M to $30/M.

6. Most email lists have a minimum list rental of 5,000 names.

7. You will need to provide an html version and a text version of your offer. Some email clients will block html, and there are significant spam issues if you don’t deploy a text backup; therefore a text version will be sent in its place.

8. You will receive a transmission report showing you how many emails were delivered and what the click through rate was. This should be received as a live link and not a static spreadsheet. You will not receive actual names and addresses of people who clicked through.

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