What Fantasy Football Can Teach You about Data Enhancement

data enhancement

Whether it’s at the college level or in the pros, fantasy football has gotten huge. Fantasy football fans pore over endless stat tables, watch film on their star players, and track stories on ESPN the way stockbrokers watch Dow Jones reports. They know something marketers can learn from: The more complete your data set is, the better your results are likely to be. Data enhancement gives businesses a more detailed look at the team that matters most to them – their buyers.

Matching Names and Numbers

Vendors at games like to remind fans that “you can’t tell the players apart without a program,” and they have a point. Players have numbers on their jerseys, but casual fans who don’t brush up on the roster may not know who’s who by looking at numbers alone. Names aren’t always enough to tell the whole story, either; how many players are named Jones, Smith, or Davis?

Having the data handy and being able to associate names with numbers reliably is a must for marketers too. To reach your audience, you have to know accurate content information for them, and data append services can help fill in the blanks.

Getting the Details Right

Cameron Jordan plays defense for the New Orleans Saints and is still on the active roster. Jordan Cameron, former tight end with the Browns and the Dolphins, is now retired. Their stats couldn’t look more different, but if you were looking at their names on a marketing list, would you instantly be able to tell them apart without other distinguishing information? What if someone accidentally swapped the “first name” and “last name” blanks when entering their information into a database?

Data enhancement uses other cues to fill in more details so you can identify your leads precisely, allowing you to target content specifically to the prospect you want to reach. You may have important marketing messages for both Mr. Cameron and Mr. Jordan, but you can only be sure you’re sending the right message to the right player when you work with clean, fresh data.

Enhancement Tells the Rest of the Story

Players are more than who they are on the field. Many volunteer for causes that are important to them. Others like to write. Some take flying lessons or surf in their spare time. If you’re a fantasy football fanatic, those details might provide you with an edge over your competition. Knowing that a player likes to ski, for instance, might suggest he’ll have no trouble coping with the rarefied air of Mile High Stadium.

Data enhancement tells marketers more about their audience in unexpected ways too, giving them insight into how they reach buying decisions and when they’re likely to need guidance.

With enriched, verified data, you’re able to pay closer attention to your most valuable players: your prospects. That’s a win worth more than bragging rights in a fantasy football league.

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