Overcoming Database Management Obstacles

Overcoming Database Management Obstacles

Clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, illuminated manuscripts, library books, digital data – the medium in which we record information has changed, but the need for proper data maintenance and storage hasn’t. Database management is a growth industry, especially now that information itself has greater value, and with that growth, new challenges have arisen for database administrators. As all industries have become more data-intensive, database management has moved closer to center stage.

If your organization’s current data management solutions cramp your growth, it could be time to look for a database service provider who can help you overcome some of the most common obstacles you face.


What was once a trickle of information has become a torrent, and the challenge of dealing with greater data volume grows along with your organization. Customer records, transaction data, marketing analytics, and other collections of information need thoughtfully designed, flexible storage solutions. Big data technology that’s built into database services can help cope with the sheer volume of data your business amasses. A sound database management strategy also prepares you to deal with the influx of new data, processing and incorporating it into your database as soon as flows into the system.


Businesses not only store more data, but they also acquire and retrieve it at an ever-increasing pace. Velocity is key to an effective data management system because information comes into your database at lightning-fast speeds. Automated systems that know how to manage data at this ultra-rapid pace ensure that your database stays current. Even if your present database services can handle storage and retrieval, you aren’t getting optimal performance if the process isn’t virtually instantaneous. You can’t afford to wait days for results on analytics when your leads make incremental buying decisions in minutes.


How different platforms work together, make sense of data, and assimilate information can make a vast difference in how well they’re able to tell you what you need to know about your customers. Different platforms must be able to speak the same language and use formats that are mutually understandable to every aspect of your overall database management activities. Your database administrator must therefore put data into usable form that all your systems understand. Without normalization, you risk including redundant or invalid information within your database, which in turn decreases the accuracy of the analytical results it gives you.


Your company’s data is one of its most valuable assets. Protecting it is also critical to maintaining your clients’ trust. It’s no wonder, then, that database security is a pressing concern for database administrators. From accidental breaches due to insufficiently secure mobile devices to intentional data theft, the chance of encountering database vulnerabilities is increasing. Even some of the country’s highest-profile businesses have been hit with data breaches, costing them money and their customers’ trust. Database services that provide greater protection and maintain tighter security are a smart option for organizations that want to protect sensitive and valuable information.

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