How to Reach Technology Professionals

Whether it’s software solutions, data management or hardware, technology is a burgeoning industry that shows no signs of slowing its growth. Technology professionals are early adopters of new products and services, and many of them are highly influential within their organizations when it comes to making buying decisions. To reach these key decision-makers and connect with technology professionals, appeal to logic and demonstrate your own authority within your industry.

Understand Their Language

Tech sectors each have their own jargon, and if you want to gain the attention of the people who work in them, it’s imperative to know that language. No matter how attractive your offer is in other areas, you will instantly lose most of your intended audience if your copy contains fundamental errors or misunderstandings. If your email confuses “IP” with “ISP,” you give your readers reason to wonder whether you understand their industry well enough to pinpoint their needs and offer cogent solutions. Proofreading copy for technical accuracy as well as proper grammar is a must.

techgraph4Sell Features as Well as Benefits

IT professionals come into your sales funnel armed with a great deal of knowledge about your product. They’re tireless researchers and have often done much of the work toward finding a solution for their needs themselves. By the time they reach you, they have a good idea of what they want to find, so give them details about product features instead of focusing heavily on benefits as you might with B2C sales. These pragmatists want hard data and detailed benefits, not hyperbole.

Solve Their Problems

No matter where they are in the IT hierarchy now, most technology professionals have spent countless hours trouble-shooting and debugging. For programmers and IT security supervisors, finding problems and eliminating them are integral to what they do. When they have a problem that needs a solution, they expect the same meticulous attention to detail and thoroughness they bring to their work.

Appeal to Their Interests

As early adopters of innovation, technology pros are a prime market for consumer electronics and productivity tools. When they travel, which many of them do frequently for business and leisure, they look for tech-friendly accommodations. State-of-the-art audio gear, entertainment technology and games also appeal to personnel in IT sectors.

Use Responsive Design in Email

techstats1Reaching tech-savvy people means finding them where they do most of their business: online. Email remains one of the most effective ways to connect with IT personnel, web developers, data security specialists and programmers. Technology pros take notice when the companies that contact them use the latest technology themselves. Responsive design is fluid and lets email display correctly across all devices, and because tech professionals change devices rapidly, that’s essential.

Sources to Reach Technology Professionals

Decision-makers in IT are avid information-seekers and frequently sign up for professional journals, attend webinars and take online courses. Connect with IT professionals via targeted lists such as SC Magazine, IT Strategy News, ReachBase CIO/CTOs, ReachBase IT/IS/Technology Professionals, SourceMedia, SYS-CON Media, Nonprofit Technology News,, and Edgell Communications.

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