Hottest Trends in B2B Lead Gen

B2B Lead Generation Trends
B2B Lead Generation Trends

This article was updated on 4-26-2021.

When polled about their biggest issues in B2B marketing, about 7 out of 10 business owners cited greater lead generation as their primary challenge. With such obvious importance being placed on B2B lead generation that produces more results, marketers have plenty of reasons to broaden their scope and find new ways to connect with leads. You might be surprised at some of the most promising areas for growth in 2021, especially if you’ve been relying on print to get your message across to buyers.

Hosting Executive Events

Seminars, webinars and video conferences are outstanding B2B lead generation tools for participants, but they also pay dividends over time, allowing you to improve your long-term lead generation outlook. By establishing you as an authority in your industry, these activities increase overall interest and raise your profile for months after the initial event. Webinars and online presentations are especially useful because they can be made available repeatedly and give you a chance to gather valuable data every time you offer access.

Maximizing Email

No lead generation tool offers a better value for B2B marketers than email. It’s also one of the most effective ways to generate new leads, ranking only behind inside sales as a means to reach out to new prospects. One of the reasons email is so useful to B2B sales is its flexibility. With email marketing, you can segment your audience and deliver customized messages to each part of that audience, maximizing response rates by addressing specific concerns directly. Email also works well because of volume; it’s relatively easy to increase your reach with email, either by expanding your own list or renting additional lists.


Top 66 B2B Lead Generation Tactics for 2021


Personalizing Direct Mail

Personalized mail has a proven track record of success, but personalization has gone far beyond just spelling the recipient’s name correctly on the envelope. With variable data printing, or VDP, marketers use next-generation techniques for putting a personal touch on direct mail, including enhanced images that feature the recipient’s name or focus on a certain demographic. Segmented lists are essential to successful VDP, and the more data you know, the more closely you can align your direct mail messages to their intended audience.

Updating Sites

A company website might seem like a surprising entry on a list of top tools for lead generation, especially when compared to social media channels that receive far more press. While social media has its place in lead generation, updating your company website and building out your SEO is key to creating more leads. To do business with you, your potential customers first have to find you, and they can do that more easily when your site is clean, well-organized and easy to search. By revising and updating your site, you also gain the attention of search engines, giving your page rank an upward nudge and making you even easier to find. If you haven’t updated your static site in the past few months, you’re overdue for a revision.

Building Blogs

Every blog post you publish has the potential to add to your industry authority, increase your visibility to search engines and interest new customers. All of these factors contribute to lead generation, That’s why creating and maintaining a blog remains one of the best lead-building strategies available. Blogs span the gap between social media, which can bring plenty of buzz but is difficult to channel, and SEO. Like email, they’re also a cost-effective solution, especially when used in concert with an email newsletter program. Over time, your blog also becomes a repository of information, generating increased interest as you contribute more to it.

Building a great B2B lead generation strategy today can stand you in good stead for months and years to come. Take advantage of these trending tools now, and you’ll build the infrastructure for the next wave of lead generation.

Contact our marketing experts today at 855.867.3224 to help you devise an integrated marketing plan.

 B2B Lead Gen Tips