Finding Manufacturing Lists

Finding the Right Business Mailing Lists and Email Lists to Target Manufacturing Professionals

Although global competition has taken market share away from the U.S. over the last few decades, U.S. manufacturing is still forecasted to increase faster than the general economy. According to the MAPI Foundation, production will grow 2.8 percent from 2018 – 2021. To keep up with the growth, manufacturing companies will need to build facilities, and buy equipment, products, and services, creating opportunities for marketers who sell to manufacturers.

Quality business mailing lists and email lists are perfect for marketers using direct mail and email to get their marketing message out.  Decision makers working in manufacturing read publications targeted to their industry as well as attend seminars and trade shows. Renting lists of qualified subscribers and seminar attendees as well as lists of mail-order buyers of equipment, products, and software related to manufacturing will increase your response rate and gain you new customers.

From small to mid-size businesses to multi-national corporations, manufacturing professionals guide every step of the supply chain from raw materials to end-user products. Working in research and development, work process design, consultancy, distribution, customer service, and executive capacities, manufacturing professionals are a large and diverse group.

Marketers manage this diversity by choosing business mailing lists and email lists that offer industry segmentation. Using SIC codes to connect with manufacturing professionals by industry type as well as business size, location, and other demographic details is essential.

Decision-makers in manufacturing vary in the levels of approval their purchases undergo; if they are company owners, they typically have the final say, but manufacturers working within a corporate system or for government subcontractors often solicit input from other departments before making a buy. That’s why it is a good idea to choose a business mailing list or email list that offers more than one decision maker at each location.

What Type of Marketing Offers Do Manufacturing Professionals Respond to

While manufacturing professionals’ needs are as varied as the industries they serve, a few constants apply. Training personnel to use equipment, staying current with industry standards, and meeting OSHA requirements are common for manufacturing leaders across industries. Offers that help them train and certify workers or educate personnel are welcome.

Manufacturers must make the most efficient use of their technology and production processes to stay competitive. Marketing messages that address efficiency and prioritize the company’s bottom-line concerns connect with this audience. Quantify how an upgraded product or new service will improve efficiency and demonstrate how quickly a purchase will begin earning more revenue for the company, and manufacturing professionals listen.

Manufacturing executives and decision-makers work with tangible results every day, and they respond best to marketing that also focuses on concrete practicalities. They find data and knowledge more convincing than theoretical applications and novelty, although they do welcome innovative solutions to manufacturing concerns. That innovation must be backed with solid results to be persuasive, though. Seminars, tradeshows, and video product demonstrations that clearly illustrate an offer’s value are useful to these professionals both to learn more and to teach other executives within their organization about the product.

How Do I Find Quality Business Mailing Lists and Email Lists?

You can rent business mailing lists and email lists for manufacturers through a variety of sources.  You can reach out directly to the advertising manager of a publication, a seminar company or a trade association. You can also rent lists through a list company that provides management services for list owners, or you can contract the help of a list broker who will provide you with targeted list recommendations. Base pricing for quality business lists range from $100 per thousand names to $150 per thousand names and more, depending on the quality of the list and the update frequency.  Email lists range from $250 per thousand email addresses to $350 per thousand. Selections such as employee size, location, and sales volume are additional.