B2B PPC Advertising Strategies – How to get more leads!

How PPC Advertising Can Increase B2B Lead Generation

PPC advertising from Google Adwords & Bing Ads is a critical component for any B2B company looking to increase lead generation.

PPC allows businesses to display their services or products to prospects looking for those offerings. The quality of the B2B leads generated from a PPC campaign is usually high. Your PPC Adgroup must have the right keywords and ads promoting your services/products to achieve a decent ROI and high lead quality.  Lead generation via PPC is a process that requires adjustments to your PPC campaign to achieve a better conversion percentage.  If you know the demographics of the leads you want to generate, PPC will allow you to select those variants, including:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income level
  • Location (cities, zip codes, counties, etc)
  • Languages
  • Education
  • & many more

For B2B companies, these filters can be advantageous because they can target those specific prospects without wasting marketing dollars on a broader audience.

B2B Lead Generation – Adwords Phrase Match

To increase the quality of your B2B leads, you should set your PPC keywords to “exact match” for your target phrases. This setting will bring the quality traffic you are looking for by only matching the search phrase or query your prospects are using to find your product or service.

Best Lead Generation Landing Pages

B2b Lead Generation - PPC Landing PagesJust like any other online B2B lead generation program, your landing page or destination page must have the right CTAs in place as well as benefits potential clients will receive should they purchase your service or product. These landing pages require a lot of testing (A/B testing) to be able to generate not just a healthy CTR but also conversions. If your B2B company requires several landing pages, tools like Unbounce.com and Instapage.com will save your web development team a lot of time.

We currently use both applications to generate high-volume B2B leads in different industries. Our conversion rates range from 5% to 22%. The quality of the leads we produce for our clients is high, and this helps shorten the sales cycle a bit.

PPC campaigns can improve the quality of your B2B leads. With the right PPC budget, you should expect a decent return. B2B Lead generation via Adwords or Bing ads requires planning and execution. If you are unfamiliar with any of these two advertising PPC models, you should hire a PPC management company. They will save you time and money and bring the b2b leads you need to grow your business fast.

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