Automated Nurtures Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness

The Guided Buyer’s Journey

At Reach Marketing, we deploy marketing automation to transform how organizations identify, track, engage, and analyze their audience. By orchestrating the sales and marketing automation process into a guided journey, we maximize every lead into a sales opportunity.

This journey starts with your target audience and ends with them becoming a company ambassador, Marketing automation improves our ability to ATTRACT our target audience through relevant educational and promotional content distribution.

Then as that target becomes a site visitor we utilize automation to ASSIGN each individual to the most appropriate sales rep through integrated CRM and lead appointment routines.

Now that an individual or organization has become a prospect, our next step is to ENGAGE them by getting them to interact with you through optimized landing pages, calls to action, forms, and other contact management tactics.

Then it’s time to CONVERT that prospect and encourage them to become a customer through effective lead scoring, synchronized nurture programs, and sales presentations. The secret to continued success is exceptional REPORTING which is crystallized through analytics, attribution models, and KPI dashboards.

Our marketing automation services are custom-crafted to fit you and your market – no more outgrowing your software or patching together isolated systems. Once you’re part of the Reach Marketing family, our technological capabilities and the support we provide are tailored to fit your organization’s needs precisely. We wrote the book on MARKETING AI®, and we’re ready to focus our insight on your business.

It’s a simple formula. The less time you waste preparing cold prospects for a sale, the more time you have closing warm leads into new customers. Nurture campaigns prepare leads for sale throughout the buying journey, starting well before they reach sales-readiness. Multi-stage nurture programs let you meet prospects at every phase of the buying journey automatically so you can guide the way toward a sale. Integrating sales and marketing to create efficient, compelling nurture campaigns also improves the customer experience, reducing friction along the sales pipeline and making key decisions easier.