5 Ways to Help Your Email Open Rate

Snappy graphics, brilliant content, and a can’t-miss call to action only work for your email marketing strategy when people open your emails. Here’s how you can boost open rates from the start and make sure your content team’s hard work isn’t going unnoticed. These tips get your audience engaged from the moment they see your email, and greater engagement translates directly into more sales. Discover what you can do to earn higher open rates in this week’s infographic.


1) Make It East on the Eyes

Keeping your email design clean and simple encourages recipients to read and respond.

2) Make it Personal

Email is your way to have a one-on-one conversation with everyone in your audience.

3) Make it Mobile Friendly

A mobile-first philosophy means you find your readers wherever they are.

4) Write a Killer Subject Line

This is your first impression; make it count.

5) Use a Clean, Targeted List

Your audience can’t open your mail if it never reaches them, so work with clean data.

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