Reach Marketing Earns List Management of Agile Education Marketing Multichannel Lists

(PEARL RIVER, NY — EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY) — Agile Education Marketing, an education database and marketing services firm that specializes in serving the needs of the education sector, has selected Reach Marketing as its list management company. Education is a rapid-growth sector, and Agile Education Marketing was founded in 2009 to meet the industry’s growing needs for responsive, technologically advanced data collection and delivery. The Agile Education Marketing Masterfile includes over 4.7 million mailing addresses and 3.1 million email addresses of key school personnel and educational administrators in Early Childhood, K-12 schools and districts and Higher Education institutions.

The Agile Education Marketing lists are segmentable by position, subject, grade level and educational environment to reach decision-makers at every level. Whether interested buyers want to reach out to high school science teachers or connect with coaches, Agile Education’s files have a population to fit the desired profile.

Greg Grdodian, CEO of Reach Marketing, finds the partnership possibilities between Reach Marketing and Agile Education exciting. “We are honored to represent the leader in the education sector and look forward to contributing to their growth by combining our technology and suite of services with their robust data assets,” Grdodian said.