Need help finding prospects? A list broker can provide the help you need. List brokers make targeted recommendations on which mailing lists are most likely to reach your target audience and most likely to respond to your offer.
A list broker is a third-party agent that acts as a liaison between the list owner and the list user. The list broker is a consultant to you, the list user. It is essential that your broker understands your goals not only long term, but also short term, so they can make the most appropriate recommendations. Since all brokers have access to the same lists, they differ by the service, advice, expertise, and recommendations they offer clients. We estimate that approximately 80 percent of all list rentals are made through brokers. Below are five types of mailing lists to consider for prospecting sources with your list broker.
Renting Response Mailing Lists
These are lists of proven direct mail buyers. Mail order offers usually get the best return through mailings to response lists of buyers who have purchased a product similar to yours and in the same price range. For example, a $10 book on small business success is likely to sell best to test lists of people who have bought similar books in the $8 to $15 price range.
Renting Subscriber Mailing Lists
These are some of the best and largest lists on the market. Two types of subscription lists exist: controlled circulation and paid circulation. With controlled circulation, the readers receive the magazine free, provided they can prove to the publisher that they fall into a certain professional category (for example, to receive a free computer magazine, the reader must work in the data processing department at a firm of a certain minimum size). Proof is accomplished by completing a subscription request form or “qualification card.” With paid circulation, the reader pays for a subscription and is not required to provide additional data other than name and address. Each type has its pros and cons. For mail order promotions, paid subscriber lists may be the better choice, because those on the list have purchased a product (the magazine) through the mail. However, controlled circulation lists offer the advantage of greater selectability. Because the subscribers have given a lot of information about themselves, you can select portions of the list according to certain characteristics, which might include job title, job function, size of company, or even the types of products purchased.
Renting Compiled Lists
These lists are of people or businesses compiled from published sources, such as industry directories and the Yellow Pages. Compiled lists frequently provide the best means of reaching large groups of specific audiences. For example, you can rent compiled lists of all attorneys in New York City or all radiologists in the United States.
Renting Trade Shows and Seminar Attendees Lists
Often, the attendee lists of trade shows and seminars are available for rental and are a valuable way to generate new leads. Since relatively costly trade show attendance and seminars are usually sold through direct mail and email, excellent results are possible from such lists.
Renting Professional Organizations Mailing Lists
Are your customers’ members of professional groups? Asking them for this information can lead to a rich source of prospects. Current clients are likely to have similar needs as future prospects, and professional organizations are the common link between these market segments. Once you know what organizations your customers belong too, you may be able to rent their membership mailing lists for direct mail, email or telemarketing campaigns.
You have access to a much deeper pool of prospects when you work through a list broker. The list brokers at Reach Marketing can help you devise a mail plan to reach your target audience. Contact them at 855.867.3224.
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