When trying to connect with decision-makers, businesses often encounter the people who hold the purse strings first. Financial executives exert a tremendous amount of influence on spending decisions for their organizations, and they are often the people you most need to convince.
CFOs, finance directors, CPAs, financial consultants and other finance professionals have spent years being detail-oriented. They regularly comb through facts and figures to spot discrepancies, and they turn the same meticulous attention to all their buying decisions.
Make sure your offers to finance professionals emphasize the product’s benefits such as guarantees, warranties and after-sales service first. Then, follow through with its features and pricing.
Growth in Finance Drives Optimism
Jobs in the finance and accounting sectors are on the rise, and these professionals can feel optimistic with good reason. While the unemployment rate sits near 6.3 percent nationwide, unemployment within the financial services sector lands within the 2 to 4 percent range. On average, finance professionals have an income of $100,000 or greater.
Finance and Technology Overlap
Financial professionals are interested in many products and services such as investments, software, business and leisure travel, luxury accommodations and state-of-the-art technology. They must stay well-informed and consequently, they are avid readers of publications geared toward them.
Finance professionals such as CFOs, accountants and financial advisors are comfortable with technology. They spend more than twice as much of their day on computers than executives in other non-technology-related fields and respond to offers via email.
Sources to Reach Financial Decision-Makers
Connect with them via targeted lists such as the Charter Financial Publishing Network and the SourceMedia Financial Management Database. The Charter Financial group includes subscribers to magazines such as Financial Advisor and Private Wealth. The SourceMedia Masterfile includes titles such as Financial Planning, On Wall Street, Tax Pro Today, Traders Magazine, Money Management Executive and more.
By reaching out specifically to busy finance directors, CPAs and advisors with highly specific offers using targeted responsive postal and email lists, you cut through the noise and get their attention.
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