30 Days to a Social Media Smash Hit

We’d bet that most of you who visit our blog and sign up for our newsletter will read this article first. How do we know? The allure of a 30-day plan is potent, and readers gravitate to the promise of a one-month investment for concrete gains. Thirty days is long enough to see real improvements and short enough to seem easily doable. Give them a one-month strategy, and leads will line up to share your social media content and generate huge buzz.

Whether you spend five days on each of these steps, devote more of your time to creating content, or build multiple campaigns on the same one-month model, here’s a rundown on how to get your social media channels humming in just 30 days.

Create Your 30-Day Challenge Page

What’s the finish line you’re setting up for your prospects? What will they get from completing your crash course? This landing page should contain a complete outline of your challenge or promise, along with a call to action so your leads can take the next step toward conversion. If we set up a 30-day challenge inviting visitors to double their SEO traffic, for example, we might describe some of the steps and highlight the benefits of earning more organic traffic and finish with a call to action inviting them to download what they’ll need to meet their goal. That word, “download,” is the key to the next step.

Capture Data with Gated Content

Landing pages are a kind of virtual market stall. You’re trading information – your content for their contact data – but you only get as much as you give. Offer them a challenge calendar or counter they can print out or install as a phone app, create a brief video explaining key points, or feature an insightful e-book to download. We’ve described how to capture data with webinars as an example too. Think about how your forms look and keep them streamlined; you’ll have more chances to gather data throughout the challenge.

Pre-Load Daily Plans for Social Media Launch

Draw up a detailed plan for your challenge with clear, simple daily instructions. These brief plans are the core of your social media push. Each one should be brief – think old-school Twitter with its 140 characters – and encourage sharing and visits to your landing pages. With marketing automation, you can set your social media messages up well in advance, making your tweets a fire-and-forget snap.

Build in Incentives for Sharing

Your leads will see a big benefit at the end of their month-long journey, but give them smaller incentives along the way to keep them buzzing. Pick a random prize winner at the end of each week for visitors who follow you, @ you, or hashtag your challenge.

Enhance Your Marketing Data

At this point, you’ve got email addresses and company names rolling in from your landing pages. Make the most of what you collect with data enhancement to tell you more about your prospects. The more you know about them, the better you’re able to continue the conversation with customized lead nurture streams well after the month is up.

Branch out to Other Channels

Every marketing channel you use as a conduit for your 30-day program becomes a force multiplier. Cross-pollinate on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. Create supplementary content that fits into your challenge so you can invite participants to download new material or share with colleagues.

There’s an unspoken seventh step you can take, too – preparing your challenge to run for additional months, scooping up new leads and more data as you go.

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