Hospital Case Study2018-11-05T14:21:30-05:00

How we successfully enabled a large hospital network to deliver on their key marketing initiatives of identifying, reaching, and engaging their patients and community digitally.


A large hospital network wanted to ensure the success of their digital marketing initiatives of identifying, reaching, and engaging with their patients and community.


  • Underutilized, fragmented and disparate data
  • Inability to effectively deliver personalized marketing communications
  • Complexity of executing Omni-channel marketing efforts
  • Inefficiency in communicating to audience with a common voice
  • Increase overall engagement rates


  • Developed a unified data warehouse that integrates fully with their marketing automation platform to deliver relevant copy to the right individuals at the right time.
  • consolidated data feeds
  • applied custom data processing for all key data fields,
  • improved individual/household identification logic,
  • installed and implemented Marketo marketing automation platform
  • integrated crm, cms, and map
  • improved agility/flexibility to take in new data and respond to custom data requests
  • regularly hygiene and append all data with key demographic elements resulting in a centralized intelligence database that optimized their ability to engage with their audience.

Implemented a  scoring system and automated work flows which allowed them to nurture their audience and deliver relevant and personalized content to each individual in real-time.

Heightened relevance of every communication through enhanced segmentation and targeting as a result of greater depth of data maintained within the centralized data warehouse.

Maintained a common voice through omni-channel audience communications by utilizing email, social, search and call center to promote customized nurture tracks powered by centralized data warehouse.


  • Within two months, produced unprecedented cost-savings from their digital marketing campaigns
  • Overall deliverability rate increased to 98.3%
  • Appended nearly 250,000 email records to customer data
  • Identified 13% of email records and 18% of postal records within database that were undeliverable of which 22% were corrected
  • Increased the depth of data within their database by adding key demographic information

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