Companies are continually looking for ways to effectively improve and expand their reach, but all too often they are witnessing an increase in their disengaged audience and lack of quality in newly acquired data. By continuously emailing your disengaged or newly acquired data you are lowering your IP reputation which is decreasing your overall inbox penetration resulting is stagnant or declining open, click and engagement rates.

Audience Springboard, a new data onboarding platform from Reach Marketing, helps brands drive the profitable customer acquisition programs they desire.

Consider the case of a leading market research firm, which recently embarked on a project to aggressively increase its brand recognition and reach. The firm’s target market was large, and like most companies its size, its historical customer database contained records that had been dormant for years.

To address this challenge, the market research firm partnered with Reach Marketing, and specifically used its Audience Springboard solution to hygiene and validate its records (both owned and acquired), enabling it to securely email those names, effectively engage them, integrate them and ultimately convert them as new and repeat customers.

Here’s how the process worked:

Phase 1 – Onboard

Dormant and newly acquired records are brought together into a centrally hosted database. The data is then unified, unduplicated, validated, enhanced, and then hosted.

Phase 2 – Engage

Reach Marketing delivered the market research firm’s email campaigns directly to the contacts in the database on a scheduled basis. The goal was growing engagement through the educational and promotional email campaigns (i.e., branding, opens, clicks, conversions).

Phase 3 – Infuse

The contacts that engaged with the messaging were transferred directly into the market research firm’s internal customer database as qualified leads for its sales teams to nurture and convert into new and repeat customers.

The result? Audience Springboard delivered significant growth to the market research firm’s internal customer database. In fact, the firm experienced a seven X return on every dollar spent through the proprietary audience database that Reach Marketing built.

Reach Marketing offers the industry’s leading technology to help you expand your brand’s reach and dominate your market.

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